Contact Search



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Name Required Sortable Filterable Data type Reference data Description
contactId IDSET None The ID of the contact. Can be used to recover all information about a contact by issuing a Contact GET.
primaryEmail SEARCH_STRING None The contact's main email address. Most contacts only have a single email address.
secondaryEmail SEARCH_STRING None The contact's secondary email address. Most contacts only have a single email address.
tertiaryEmail SEARCH_STRING None The contact's tertiary email address. Most contacts only have a single email address.
firstName SEARCH_STRING None The contact's first or given name.
lastName SEARCH_STRING None The contact's last or family name.
isSupplier BOOLEAN None Indicates whether this is a supplier contact. A contact can be only one of customer, supplier or staff. Use filter value 'true' to exclude staff and customers.
companyName SEARCH_STRING None The contact's company name.
isStaff BOOLEAN None Indicates whether this is a staff contact. A contact can be only one of customer, supplier or staff. Use filter value 'true' to exclude customers and suppliers.
isCustomer BOOLEAN None Indicates whether this is a customer contact. A contact can be only one of customer, supplier or staff. Use filter value 'true' to exclude staff and suppliers.
createdOn PERIOD None The date the contact was created.
updatedOn PERIOD None The date the contact was last updated.
lastContactedOn PERIOD None The date the contact was last contacted. Returns null if never contacted.
lastOrderedOn PERIOD None The date the contact last ordered.
nominalCode INTEGER None The nominal code associated with the contact.
isPrimary BOOLEAN None Indicates whether this contact is the primary contact of the organisation companyName.
pri STRING None Primary telephone number of the contact.
sec STRING None Secondary telephone number of the contact.
mob STRING None Mobile number of the contact.
exactCompanyName STRING None The exact contact's company name.
title STRING None The job title of the contact.


Name Sortable Data type Description
allEmail STRING Filter allEmail can be used to search for a contact with the case insensitive value in any e-mail field.
tagIds IDSET Filter tagIds can be used to search for a contact that is associated with one or more given tag IDs.
allPhone STRING Filter allPhone can be used to search for a contact with the value in any phone field i.e. Telephone, Telephone2 and mobile number.
companyIds IDSET Filter companyIds can be used to search for a contact that is associated with one or more given company IDs.


Sorted by Sort Direction
contactId ASC

More information

Instructions for working with resources can be found in Resource search design