
Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


The order OPTIONS message allows you to programmatically request URIs you need to call in order to request a set of orders in the fewest requests possible.

This message takes an optional ID set of order IDs. If no order IDs are specified then the URIs needed to fetch all orders will be returned.

The main use case for this message is that you have a large quantity of orders you need to request which exceeds our single request limit (currently set at 200). You want to retrieve all the orders in the fewest calls possible. Calling the OPTIONS message with all the IDs of the orders you require will return a list of URIs you need to call.

Example 1

Request all orders in the system.

Request URI



	"response": {
		"getUris": [

Example 2

Request a subset of orders.

Request URI



	"response": {
		"getUris": [