Season POST



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message allows you to create a new Season. Seasons are only available to accounts which have enabled them via the account settings screen.

The season name must be unique.

Each Season consists of:
Field Name Data Type Description Required Minimum Length (Characters) Maximum Length (Characters)
name String The name of the season Yes 4 255
description String The description of the season No None 255
dateFrom Date yyyy-mm-dd Start date No - -
dateTo Date yyyy-mm-dd End date No - -


Create a new season

Request URI


Request body

	"name": "Test Season",
	"description": "This is the description",
	"dateFrom": "2016-01-01",
	"dateTo": "2016-01-31"


	"response": 75