Accounting Period Lock GET



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message allows you to retrieve the accounting periods lock. If there is no lock, a 404 with the appropriate error message will be returned.

Detailed field description:

Field Name Field Description
lockedBy The ID of the staff member who has locked an accounting period.
lockedUntil The date the accounting period is locked until.

Example 1

Fetch an existing accounting period lock.

Request URI



	"response": {
		"lockedBy": 4,
		"lockedUntil": "2018-09-12"

Example 2

Fetch an accounting period lock when no lock has been set.

Request URI



	"errors": [
			"code": "CMNC-404",
			"message": "No accounting period lock is set"