
The product service provides functionality for managing your products. With this service you can:

  • Get information about your products Product using an


The brand resource allows you to retrieve and create brands.
The Brightpearl Category resource allows you to retrieve and create Brightpearl Categories.
The Channel resource allows you to retrieve Channels.
The channel brand resource defines the public-facing identity of a channel. It allows you specify a brand-specific address, logo, email/telephone, message/invoice templates and financial details.
Collection is a sub-resource of brand. Every collection belongs to a brand. While every product in Brightpearl must have a brand they do not need to have a collection. When a product does have a ...
The discount contact usages resource is a read-only convenience endpoint to easily obtain the current number of usages for a discount by a specific contact.
The discount total usages resource is a read-only convenience endpoint to easily obtain the current number of usages for a discount.
The option resource allows you to retrieve and create product options.
The option value resource allows you to retrieve and create product option values.
The Price List resource allows you to retrieve Price Lists.
The product primary supplier resource allows you to delete the primary supplier id for given products.
There are a few types of product:
This resource returns a list of the bundles that contain a given product, and recursively any bundles that contain those bundles.
Product custom fields are the user-defined data held against a Brightpearl product. Several data types are available. This endpoint allows you to retrieve the custom fields of multiple products.
Custom fields may be configured to allow you to hold additional information against your products.
Product custom fields are the user-defined data held against a Brightpearl product. Several data types are available.
Product groups allow variants to be easily managed
Update product identities (SKU, EAN, UPC, MPN, and ISBN)
This resource represents the option values associated with a product.
The product price resource represents prices for products on price lists.
The product supplier resource allows you to retrieve and modify the suppliers for given products.
The Product Type resource allows you to retrieve and create Product Types.
This resource represents the relationship between a Product Type and a Option .
The season resource allows you to retrieve and create seasons.