Brightpearl Category POST



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message allows you to create a newBrightpearl Category.
Detailed field description:
Field Name Field Description Required Maximum Length
name This is the name of the Brightpearl Category. Duplicate names cannot be used at the same level in the hierarchy. Yes 128
parentId Use this field to set the Category's parentId. If the field is not set then the category is set as a root category. Value 0 can also be used to set the category as a root category. No N/A

Example 1

Create a new root Brightpearl category named "Clothes". The response returns the ID of the category.

Request URI


Request body

	"name": "Clothes",
	"parentId": 0


	"response": 288

Example 2

Create a new root Brightpearl category named "Tools". The response returns the ID of the category.

Request URI


Request body

	"name": "Tools"


	"response": 289

Example 3

Create a new Brightpearl category named "Shirts" as a sub category to Clothes. The response returns the Id of the category.

Request URI


Request body

	"name": "Shirts",
	"parentId": 288


	"response": 290