Channel brand GET



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Return information about channel brands. The response is an array of channel brands, containing company details, a list of templates, financial details and logo information.

Templates are returned as a map of template type code to template ID; the code represents what the template is used for, and the ID refers to the exact template to be used.

Template type code Description
BECRC Website registration confirmation
BECOC Website order confirmation
SOCUP Sales order customer update
SOQUT Sales order quote
SOINV Sales order invoice
SCNTE Sales credit note
PONTE Purchase order note
GNOUT Goods out note
GNSPE Goods note shipment packed email
GNSSE Goods note shipment shipped email
SOQUE Sales order quote attached email
SOINE Sales order invoice attached email
GNSPS Goods note shipment packed SMS
GNSSS Goods note shipment shipped SMS
DSHPO Drop-ship purchase order note
DSPOU Drop-ship shipping update

Channel brand templates can also be mapped to specific shipping methods (for personalised packing notes). The shippingTemplates field is a map of shipping method ID to template ID, listing which shipping methods use which templates for this particular channel brand.

Example 1

Requesting a channel brand.

Request URI



	"response": [
			"channelBrandId": 1,
			"addressBookId": 1,
			"name": "Customer facing",
			"companyName": "My Excellent Company",
			"companyNumber": "06260621",
			"telephone": "0117 981 7361",
			"emailAddress": "",
			"accountingEmailAddress": "",
			"templates": {
				"SOQUT": 13,
				"SOINE": 22,
				"SOINV": 12,
				"SOQUE": 2,
				"SOCUP": 18,
				"GNOUT": 5,
				"PONTE": 10,
				"SCNTE": 6
			"shippingTemplates": {
				"6": 5
			"financialDetails": {
				"bankName": "TSB",
				"bankAccountNumber": "00001111",
				"bankSortCode": "11-11-11",
				"bankSwift": "TSBSGB22",
				"vatNumber": "555555"
			"logo": {
				"imageId": 1,
				"mediumImageUrl": "https://.../path/to/my/medium/image.png",
				"originalImageUrl": "https://.../path/to/my/original/image.png"

Example 2

Requesting the default channel brand.

Request URI



	"response": [
			"channelBrandId": 1,
			"addressBookId": 1,
			"name": "Customer facing",
			"companyName": "My Excellent Company",
			"companyNumber": "06260621",
			"telephone": "0117 981 7361",
			"emailAddress": "",
			"accountingEmailAddress": "",
			"templates": {
				"SOQUT": 13,
				"SOINE": 22,
				"SOINV": 12,
				"SOQUE": 2,
				"SOCUP": 18,
				"GNOUT": 5,
				"PONTE": 10,
				"SCNTE": 6
			"shippingTemplates": {
				"6": 5
			"financialDetails": {
				"bankName": "TSB",
				"bankAccountNumber": "00001111",
				"bankSortCode": "11-11-11",
				"bankSwift": "TSBSGB22",
				"vatNumber": "555555"
			"logo": {
				"imageId": 1,
				"mediumImageUrl": "https://.../path/to/my/medium/image.png",
				"originalImageUrl": "https://.../path/to/my/original/image.png"