Product Search



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Name Required Sortable Filterable Data type Reference data Description
productId IDSET
  • productCategoryMembership
The ID of the product.
productName SEARCH_STRING None The name of the product.
SKU STRING None The SKU of the product.
barcode STRING None The barcode of the product.
EAN STRING None The EAN of the product.
UPC STRING None The UPC of the product.
ISBN STRING None The ISBN of the product.
MPN STRING None The MPN of the product.
stockTracked BOOLEAN None Specifies whether the product is stock tracked or not.
salesChannelName STRING None The sales channel for the product.
createdOn PERIOD None The date the product was created.
updatedOn PERIOD None The date the product was last updated.
brightpearlCategoryCode IDSET None The category ID of the product.
productGroupId INTEGER None The group ID of the product.
brandId IDSET None The product's brand ID.
productTypeId IDSET None The product's type ID.
productStatus STRING None A code representing the product's lifecyle status.
primarySupplierId IDSET None The Primary supplier ID.


Name Sortable Data type Description
channelId false INTEGER


Sorted by Sort Direction
productId ASC

More information

Instructions for working with resources can be found in Resource search design