Journal Search



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Name Required Sortable Filterable Data type Reference data Description
journalId IDSET None The journal id
journalType STRING None The journal type.
orderId IDSET None The order ID. We allow users free editing of this field so it may contain non-numeric text, when this occurs we will return a 0 and the actual text value will be returned in the journalRef column. By treating orderId as an IDSET rather than a STRING set we allow more powerful queries using the ID set notation. If you want to search for a journal with a non-numeric orderId such as an expense claim or payment on account use the journalRef column instead.
invoiceReference SEARCH_STRING None The invoice reference.
channelId INTEGER None The channel ID assigned to this journal line. Zero if none specified.
nominalCode STRING None The nominal code.
journalDate PERIOD None The date the journal was created.
journalDebit STRING None The debit value of the journal.
journalCredit STRING None The credit value of the journal.
journalRef INTEGER None The journal reference. If the journal relates to an order this typically contains the order ID the same as the orderId column. Where the journal holds a non-numeric orderId it will be returned in this row ONLY since an IDSET search column cannot return non-numeric data.
currencyId INTEGER None The ID of the journal currency.
exchangeRate STRING None The exchange rate of the journal currency at the time of creation of the journal. Important to note that all exchange rates are that currency to base.
transactionDebit STRING None The debit value amount in the currency of the journal transaction.
transactionCredit STRING None The credit value amount in the currency of the journal transaction.
projectId INTEGER None The project ID assigned to this journal line. Zero if none specified.
leadSourceId INTEGER None The lead source ID assigned to this journal line. Zero if none specified.
contactId INTEGER None ID of the contact assigned to this journal. Zero if none specified.
journalDueDate PERIOD None The journal due date.
journalDateEntered PERIOD None The date of journal entry.
createdContactId INTEGER None ID of the contact that entered this journal.
taxCodeId INTEGER None ID of the tax code for this journal line.
taxReconciliationDate PERIOD None The journal tax reconciliation date.
taxPeriodId INTEGER None The journal tax period ID. Zero if none specified.
journalRowId INTEGER None The ID of the journal row.


Name Sortable Data type Description
journalType true STRING_SET The journal type(s).
channelIds true IDSET Filter journals based on channel Id(s)


Sorted by Sort Direction
journalId ASC

More information

Instructions for working with resources can be found in Resource search design