Contact Forget POST



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This resource allows you to forget a contact and their data.

To avoid losing references in the data system the "name" and "lastname" fields are scrambled with a string that has this pattern "FORGOTTEN CONTACT YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS".
For a similar reason the emails are scrambled with the string "[emailTypeName]-[uuid]", where [emailTypeName] is the name of the field associated with the forgotten email (i.e. email1, email2, etc.), and [uuid] is an auto generated universal unique identifier.

Only contacts of type "customer" can be forgotten.
Customers marked as primary cannot be forgotten, another contact from the same company must be selected as primary before proceeding: only secondary contacts can be forgotten.

By default this endpoint scrambles or deletes only the contact entity information, but by using the request payload the scope of forgetting can be extended to other areas, see the field description.

Detailed field description

Field Name Field Type Field Description
ticketsAndActivities Boolean Send true to remove all the timeline information associated with the given contact id
notes Boolean Send true to remove all the notes entries associated with the given contact id
customFields Boolean Send true to remove all the contents inside the custom fields associated with the given contact id
keepCityAndState Boolean Send true to keep city and state information.


Requesting to forget the contact with ID 200, including removal of timeline elements, notes, and custom field content.

Request URI


Request body

	"ticketsAndActivities": true,
	"notes": true,
	"customFields": true

