Contact Status PUT



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This method allows you to alter a Contact's status, or that of many contacts. This will replace their existing status; if you find you require multiple contact statuses at once, you should represent this using contact tags.

If a contact status ID which does not match an existing status is supplied, no contacts will be updated and you will recieve the 404 HTTP response code (resource not found). You will also recieve a 404 if none of the contact IDs supplied match existing contacts.

Otherwise, you will recieve a 207 (multi-status) response, describing the status (and any errors) arising from the attempted update of each of the requested contact resources: 200 (OK) if the contact was found, 404 otherwise.

Please note that in an effort to ease load on our servers, the limit for one request is currently set to 200 Contact IDs.

Example 1

Updating contacts with IDs 252-255 to status 12

Request URI


Request body

	"contactStatusId": 12


	"response": {
		"resourceStatuses": {
			"252": 200,
			"253": 200,
			"254": 200,
			"255": 200
		"resourceErrors": {
			"252": [
			"253": [
			"254": [
			"255": [

Example 2

Updating contacts with IDs 252-255 to status 13, when status 13 does not exist

Request URI


Request body

	"contactStatusId": 13


	"errors": [
			"code": "CONC-047",
			"message": "No contact status found with ID 13"

Example 3

Updating contacts with IDs 255-256 to status 12, where contact 256 does not exist

Request URI


Request body

	"contactStatusId": 12


	"response": {
		"resourceStatuses": {
			"255": 200,
			"256": 404
		"resourceErrors": {
			"255": [
			"256": [
					"code": "CONC-014",
					"message": "Contact was not found"