Order Note POST



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message enables you to add an order note for an existing Brightpearl order.

The response of the Order Note POST represents the Id of the Order Note in your Brightpearl system.

Field Description Required
text This is the text for the Order Note. True
fileId This represents the Id of an uploaded file in Brightpearl. False
isPublic This represents the visibility of the order note on the Brightpearl customer portal.

If this is not provided, it will default to false.

addedOn This represents the date on which the Order Note was added.

If this is not provided, today's date will be used.


Example 1

Creating a new Order Note for Order 1029.

Request URI


Request body

	"text": "Updating Order details"


	"response": 97

Example 2

Creating a new Order Note on Order 1030, specifying the date, the file Id and visibility.

Request URI


Request body

	"text": "Updating Order details again",
	"addedOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
	"isPublic": false,
	"fileId": 28


	"response": 60