Order Row DELETE



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message enables you remove an order row

  1. The order must not be a parent order
  2. The order must not be invoiced
  3. The order row must not have stock received or fulfilled
  4. Purchase Order rows must not have associated landed costs
  5. The order must not be a drop ship purchase order
  6. The order row must not be a bundle component
  7. If the order row is a bundle parent, the child components will all be deleted as well. This includes children-of-children in nested bundles.
  8. The order must not be partially or fully paid

Note: if you do not receive a HTTP 4xx validation error or HTTP 200 response, it is possible that the order row reservations have been deleted but due to service failure the order rows themselves have not been. You should call the endpoint again at a later time until you receive HTTP 200 (row(s) deleted successfully) or HTTP 404 (row previously deleted or never existed).


Deleting order row 98 on order 45

Request URI


