Order GET



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Returns a description of the requested orders. As well as general data about the order, such as its ID, its type and when it was created, the description also covers the following:

  • The current status of the order
  • How and when the order is due to be delivered
  • References to any associated invoices
  • The currency used on the order
  • The total net and tax values of the order
  • Who within your company the order is assigned to
  • Details of the customer or supplier the order is associated with, the billing party and the delivery party
  • A description of the rows on the order containing information such as product ID, product name, quantity, row value net, row value tax, row cost, product options for that product and the composition of that product i.e. bundle information
  • The payment status of the order
  • Whether it is a drop-ship order (purchase orders only)
  • A map of custom field code to value (optional)
  • A list of custom field codes which currently have a value of null (optional)
  • A block containing an array of external tax calculation messages if there were any

Currently the order service can return at most the details of 200 orders in a single request/response transaction. To obtain details on a larger set, multiple service calls must be made.

Note: to include customFields and nullCustomFields please see Include Optional Sections.

Code Descriptions

Order fulfilment
None Partial All No stock-tracked items
Sales order SON SOP SOA NON
Sales credit SCN SCP SCA NON
Purchase order PON POP POA NON
Purchase credit PCN PCP PCA NON

Stock Allocation Codes Description
ANR Allocation Not Required
ANA Allocation None Allocated
APA Allocation Part Allocated
AAA Allocation All Allocated

Shipping Status Codes Description
NST No stock tracked products on order
SNS Stock not shipped
SPS Stock part shipped
ASS All stock shipped

Payment Status Codes Description
PAID The order has been fully paid
PARTIALLY_PAID Payments have been received for the order, but it is not fully paid
UNPAID No payments have been received for the order
AUTHORIZED Payments for this order have been authorized but not received
NOT_APPLICABLE No payment is required for this order

Example 1

Retrieve a specific order.

Request URI



	"response": [
			"id": 100182,
			"parentOrderId": 100181,
			"orderTypeCode": "PO",
			"reference": "order#001",
			"version": 1,
			"state": {
				"tax": "ready"
			"tax": {
				"errors": [
			"acknowledged": 0,
			"orderStatus": {
				"orderStatusId": 6,
				"name": "Pending PO"
			"orderPaymentStatus": "PAID",
			"stockStatusCode": "NON",
			"allocationStatusCode": "ANR",
			"shippingStatusCode": "NST",
			"placedOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"createdOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"updatedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"closedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"createdById": 200,
			"priceListId": 1,
			"priceModeCode": "EXC",
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryDate": "2011-07-08T00:00:00.000+01:00",
				"shippingMethodId": 1
			"invoices": [
					"invoiceReference": "",
					"taxDate": "2011-06-29T00:00:00.000+01:00",
					"dueDate": "2011-07-29T00:00:00.000+01:00"
			"currency": {
				"accountingCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"orderCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"exchangeRate": "1.000000",
				"fixedExchangeRate": false
			"totalValue": {
				"net": "50.00",
				"taxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseNet": "50.00",
				"baseTaxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseTotal": "60.00",
				"total": "60.00"
			"assignment": {
				"current": {
					"staffOwnerContactId": 200,
					"projectId": 1,
					"channelId": 2,
					"leadSourceId": 4,
					"teamId": 2
			"parties": {
				"supplier": {
					"contactId": 901,
					"addressFullName": "Mr Drink",
					"companyName": "Drink Supplies",
					"addressLine1": "1 Main Road",
					"addressLine2": "Out Of Town",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "Avon",
					"postalCode": "bs99 9sb",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 987654",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "mr.drink@drinksupplies.com"
				"delivery": {
					"addressFullName": "",
					"companyName": "wacCorp",
					"addressLine1": "Brightpearl HQ",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 9AG",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
				"billing": {
					"contactId": 901,
					"addressFullName": "",
					"companyName": "wacCorp",
					"addressLine1": "Brightpearl HQ",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 9AG",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
			"orderRows": {
				"147": {
					"orderRowSequence": "0",
					"productId": 1008,
					"productName": "Product B",
					"productSku": "SKU0001",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "1.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "20.8400"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "83.3333"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "16.67"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": false,
						"parentOrderRowId": 0
				"148": {
					"orderRowSequence": "1",
					"productId": 1009,
					"productName": "Product C",
					"productSku": "SKU1000",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "5.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "3.4500"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "8.3333"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "8.33"
					"productOptions": {
						"Size": "Large"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": false,
						"parentOrderRowId": 0
				"149": {
					"orderRowSequence": "2",
					"productId": 1014,
					"productName": "Bundle",
					"productSku": "",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "1.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "5.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "12.5000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "2.50"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": true,
						"bundleChild": false,
						"parentOrderRowId": 0
				"150": {
					"orderRowSequence": "3",
					"productId": 1008,
					"productName": "Product B",
					"productSku": "SKU0001",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "5.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "0.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.0000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.00"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": true,
						"parentOrderRowId": 149
				"151": {
					"orderRowSequence": "4",
					"productId": 1010,
					"productName": "Product D",
					"productSku": "",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "3.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "0.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.0000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.00"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": true,
						"parentOrderRowId": 149
				"152": {
					"orderRowSequence": "5",
					"productId": 1011,
					"productName": "Product C",
					"productSku": "SKU1000",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "2.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "0.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.0000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "0.00"
					"productOptions": {
						"Size": "Medium"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": true,
						"parentOrderRowId": 149
			"warehouseId": 2,
			"costPriceListId": 1,
			"isDropship": false

Example 2

Attempt to retrieve an order that does not exist

Request URI



	"response": [

Example 3

Retrieve all orders with ID between 100182 and 100184

Request URI



	"response": [
			"id": 100182,
			"orderTypeCode": "PO",
			"reference": "wac-corp-order#001",
			"version": 1,
			"state": {
				"tax": "ready"
			"tax": {
				"errors": [
			"orderStatus": {
				"orderStatusId": 6,
				"name": "Pending PO"
			"orderPaymentStatus": "PAID",
			"stockStatusCode": "NON",
			"shippingStatusCode": "NST",
			"placedOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"createdOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"updatedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"closedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"createdById": 200,
			"priceListId": 1,
			"priceModeCode": "EXC",
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryDate": "2011-07-08T00:00:00.000+01:00",
				"shippingMethodId": 1
			"invoices": [
					"invoiceReference": "",
					"taxDate": "2011-06-29T00:00:00.000+01:00",
					"dueDate": "2011-07-29T00:00:00.000+01:00"
			"currency": {
				"accountingCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"orderCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"exchangeRate": "1.000000",
				"fixedExchangeRate": false
			"totalValue": {
				"net": "50.00",
				"taxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseNet": "50.00",
				"baseTaxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseTotal": "60.00",
				"total": "60.00"
			"assignment": {
				"current": {
					"staffOwnerContactId": 200,
					"projectId": 1,
					"channelId": 2,
					"leadSourceId": 4,
					"teamId": 2
			"parties": {
				"supplier": {
					"contactId": 901,
					"addressFullName": "Mr Drink",
					"companyName": "Drink Supplies",
					"addressLine1": "1 Main Road",
					"addressLine2": "Out Of Town",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "Avon",
					"postalCode": "bs99 9sb",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 987654",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "mr.drink@drinksupplies.com"
				"delivery": {
					"addressFullName": "",
					"companyName": "wacCorp",
					"addressLine1": "Brightpearl HQ",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 9AG",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
				"billing": {
					"contactId": 901,
					"addressFullName": "",
					"companyName": "wacCorp",
					"addressLine1": "Brightpearl HQ",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 9AG",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
			"orderRows": {
				"154": {
					"orderRowSequence": "10",
					"productId": 1009,
					"productName": "Product C",
					"productSku": "SKU1000",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "1.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "3.3300"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "10.0000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "2.00"
					"productOptions": {
						"Size": "Large"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": false,
						"parentOrderRowId": 0
			"warehouseId": 2,
			"acknowledged": 0,
			"costPriceListId": 1,
			"isDropship": false
			"id": 100184,
			"orderTypeCode": "SO",
			"reference": "",
			"version": 1,
			"state": {
				"tax": "ready"
			"tax": {
				"errors": [
			"orderStatus": {
				"orderStatusId": 1,
				"name": "Draft"
			"orderPaymentStatus": "PAID",
			"stockStatusCode": "NON",
			"shippingStatusCode": "NST",
			"placedOn": "2011-06-29T13:07:11.000+01:00",
			"createdOn": "2011-06-29T13:07:11.000+01:00",
			"updatedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"closedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"createdById": 200,
			"priceListId": 1,
			"priceModeCode": "EXC",
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryDate": "2011-06-29T13:13:15.141+01:00",
				"shippingMethodId": 0
			"invoices": [
					"invoiceReference": "",
					"taxDate": "2011-06-29T00:00:00.000+01:00",
					"dueDate": "2011-06-29T12:00:00.000+01:00"
			"currency": {
				"accountingCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"orderCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"exchangeRate": "1.000000",
				"fixedExchangeRate": false
			"totalValue": {
				"net": "0.00",
				"taxAmount": "0.00"
			"assignment": {
				"current": {
					"staffOwnerContactId": 0,
					"projectId": 0,
					"channelId": 2,
					"leadSourceId": 0,
					"teamId": 2
			"parties": {
				"customer": {
					"contactId": 902,
					"addressFullName": "Mr Consumer",
					"companyName": "Consumables Ltd",
					"addressLine1": "1 Side Street",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 2SB",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 123456",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "consumer@consumables.com"
				"delivery": {
					"addressFullName": "Mr Consumer",
					"companyName": "Consumables Ltd",
					"addressLine1": "1 Side Street",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 2SB",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 123456",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "consumer@consumables.com"
				"billing": {
					"contactId": 902,
					"addressFullName": "Mr Consumer",
					"companyName": "Consumables Ltd",
					"addressLine1": "1 Side Street",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
					"postalCode": "BS2 2SB",
					"country": "United Kingdom",
					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 123456",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "consumer@consumables.com"
			"orderRows": {
				"154": {
					"orderRowSequence": "10",
					"productId": 1010,
					"productName": "Product D",
					"productSku": "SKU1001",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "1.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "1.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "10.0000"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "2.00"
					"productOptions": {
						"Size": "Small"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": false,
						"parentOrderRowId": 0
			"warehouseId": 2,
			"acknowledged": 0,
			"costPriceListId": 1,
			"isDropship": false

Example 4

Example of the order GET when requesting to include customFields and nullCustomFields

Request URI



	"response": [
			"id": 100182,
			"parentOrderId": 100181,
			"orderTypeCode": "PO",
			"reference": "order#001",
			"version": 1,
			"state": {
				"tax": "ready"
			"tax": {
				"errors": [
			"orderStatus": {
				"orderStatusId": 6,
				"name": "Pending PO"
			"orderPaymentStatus": "PAID",
			"stockStatusCode": "NON",
			"shippingStatusCode": "NST",
			"placedOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"createdOn": "2011-06-29T11:12:24.000+01:00",
			"updatedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"closedOn": "2011-06-30T15:35:01.000+01:00",
			"createdById": 200,
			"priceListId": 1,
			"priceModeCode": "EXC",
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryDate": "2011-07-08T00:00:00.000+01:00",
				"shippingMethodId": 1
			"invoices": [
					"invoiceReference": "",
					"taxDate": "2011-06-29T00:00:00.000+01:00",
					"dueDate": "2011-07-29T00:00:00.000+01:00"
			"currency": {
				"accountingCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"orderCurrencyCode": "GBP",
				"exchangeRate": "1.000000"
			"totalValue": {
				"net": "50.00",
				"taxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseNet": "50.00",
				"baseTaxAmount": "10.00",
				"baseTotal": "60.00",
				"total": "60.00"
			"assignment": {
				"current": {
					"staffOwnerContactId": 200,
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					"channeltId": 2,
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			"parties": {
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					"addressFullName": "Mr Drink",
					"companyName": "Drink Supplies",
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					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "Avon",
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					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
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					"telephone": "01234 987654",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "mr.drink@drinksupplies.com"
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					"addressFullName": "",
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					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
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					"countryIsoCode": "GB",
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					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
				"billing": {
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					"addressFullName": "",
					"companyName": "wacCorp",
					"addressLine1": "Brightpearl HQ",
					"addressLine2": "",
					"addressLine3": "Bristol",
					"addressLine4": "",
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					"countryIsoCode3": "GBR",
					"telephone": "01234 567890",
					"mobileTelephone": "",
					"email": "will@waccorp.com"
			"orderRows": {
				"147": {
					"orderRowSequence": "0",
					"productId": 1008,
					"productName": "Product B",
					"productSku": "SKU0001",
					"quantity": {
						"magnitude": "1.00"
					"itemCost": {
						"currencyCode": "GBP",
						"value": "25.0000"
					"rowValue": {
						"taxRate": "20.00",
						"taxCode": "T20",
						"taxCalculator": "brightpearl",
						"rowNet": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "83.3333"
						"rowTax": {
							"currencyCode": "GBP",
							"value": "16.67"
					"nominalCode": "4000",
					"composition": {
						"bundleParent": false,
						"bundleChild": false,
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			"costPriceListId": 1

Example 5

Retrieve a sales order with tax calculation errors.

Request URI



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					"Another tax calculation error"
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