Sales Order Search



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Name Required Sortable Filterable Data type Reference data Description
salesOrderId IDSET None The ID of the Sales Order. Can be used to retrieve all order information using Sales Order Get.
customerId INTEGER None The ID of the Contact. Can be used to recover all information about a contact by issuing a Contact GET.
orderStatusId INTEGER
  • orderStatusNames
The ID of the Order status. Description can be found in the report reference data.
orderStockStatus STRING None The Order stock status code.
createdOn PERIOD None The date the Order was created.
createdById INTEGER None The ID of the Staff member who created this order.
customerRef STRING None The customer reference for the order.
orderPaymentStatus STRING None The payment status code of the order
updatedOn PERIOD None The date the Order was updated.
orderShippingStatus STRING None The shipping status of the order
externalRef STRING None The external reference for the order
installedIntegrationInstanceId INTEGER None The integration instance this order is associated with
warehouseId IDSET None The ID of the warehouse. Can be used to retrieve all orders for a given warehouse ID.
staffOwnerId INTEGER None The ID of the staff member who is assigned to the order.
taxDate PERIOD None The tax date of the order.
channelId INTEGER None The ID of the channel the Order is associated with.
deliveryDate PERIOD None The date the delivery is set for.


Name Sortable Data type Description
productIds false false IDs of products on the order
isHistoricalOrder true BOOLEAN Whether the order is a historical order or not.
customerRefs true STRING_SET The customer reference for the order. This is the same as the customerRef column, except it allows you to search for multiple customer references simultaneously.


Sorted by Sort Direction
salesOrderId ASC

More information

Instructions for working with resources can be found in Resource search design