Goods-In Note GET



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


Retrieve the goods-in notes related to one or more orders.

Notes can be requested in the following ways:

  • /order/111,222/goods-note/goods-in/ Fetch all notes for a set of orders
  • /order/111,222/goods-note/goods-in/333,444 Fetch specific notes for a set or orders
  • /order/*/goods-note/goods-in/333,4444 Fetch specific notes for all orders
You cannot request all goods-in notes for all orders and any ID set supplied can have a maximum size of 200 IDs.

The response format is a map from goods-in note ID to goods-in note.

Each goods-in notes can have the following fields:
Field Data type Description
goodsNoteId Integer ID Unique ID of goods-in note
orderId Integer ID ID of purchase
transfer Boolean Is this note the result of an external transfer?
goodsNoteStatus String OPEN, CLOSED or CANCELLED
userBatchReference String Optional but unique user-supplied reference
receivedOn String date/time When the note was created
createdBy Integer ID User who created the note
goodsMoved Array of goods movement objects See below
A goods-in note contains an array of goods movements, each goods movement can have the following fields:
Field Data type Description
productId Integer ID Product being received
purchaseOrderRowId Integer ID Order row the goods relate to. Note that even if this movement belongs to a sales credit the order row ID will still appear in this field.
Quantity Integer Number of items received
warehouseId Integer ID Warehouse receiving the goods
destinationLocationId Integer ID Warehouse location where the goods to unpacked to
goodsNoteId Integer ID Goods-in note that the movement belongs to
batchGoodsNoteId Integer ID The batchId of the stock on the goods movement
productValue.currency String ISO code of currency for item value
productValue.value String decimal Item value
cleared Boolean Whether the movement has been cleared
valueConfirmed Boolean Whether the movement value has been confirmed
allocated Boolean Whether the movement has been allocated
quarantined Boolean Whether the movement is quarantined
createdOn String date/time Date the movement occurred
createdBy Integer ID User who created the movement
updatedOn String date/time Date the movement for updated
updatedBy Integer ID User who updated the movement


Get all goods-in notes for order 104528

Request URI



	"response": {
		"8789": {
			"orderId": 104528,
			"transfer": false,
			"goodsNoteId": 8789,
			"goodsMoved": [
					"productId": 1688,
					"purchaseOrderRowId": 8830,
					"quantity": 5,
					"warehouseId": 2,
					"destinationLocationId": 2,
					"goodsNoteId": 8789,
					"batchGoodsNoteId": 8789,
					"productValue": {
						"currency": "GBP",
						"value": "12.0000"
					"cleared": false,
					"valueConfirmed": false,
					"allocated": false,
					"quarantine": false,
					"createdOn": "2015-04-29T10:12:00.000+01:00",
					"createdBy": 863,
					"updatedOn": "2015-04-29T10:12:00.000+01:00",
					"updatedBy": 863
			"receivedOn": "2015-04-29T10:12:00.000+01:00",
			"goodsNoteStatus": "CLOSED",
			"userBatchReference": "BATCH1",
			"createdBy": 863
		"8790": {
			"orderId": 104528,
			"transfer": false,
			"goodsNoteId": 8790,
			"goodsMoved": [
					"productId": 1688,
					"purchaseOrderRowId": 8830,
					"quantity": 5,
					"warehouseId": 2,
					"destinationLocationId": 2,
					"goodsNoteId": 8790,
					"batchGoodsNoteId": 8790,
					"productValue": {
						"currency": "GBP",
						"value": "12.0000"
					"cleared": false,
					"valueConfirmed": false,
					"allocated": false,
					"quarantine": false,
					"createdOn": "2015-04-29T10:13:12.000+01:00",
					"createdBy": 863,
					"updatedOn": "2015-04-29T10:13:12.000+01:00",
					"updatedBy": 863
					"productId": 1486,
					"purchaseOrderRowId": 8831,
					"quantity": 5,
					"warehouseId": 2,
					"destinationLocationId": 23,
					"goodsNoteId": 8790,
					"batchGoodsNoteId": 8790,
					"productValue": {
						"currency": "GBP",
						"value": "4.0000"
					"cleared": false,
					"valueConfirmed": false,
					"allocated": false,
					"quarantine": false,
					"createdOn": "2015-04-29T10:13:12.000+01:00",
					"createdBy": 863,
					"updatedOn": "2015-04-29T10:13:12.000+01:00",
					"updatedBy": 863
			"receivedOn": "2015-04-29T10:13:12.000+01:00",
			"goodsNoteStatus": "CLOSED",
			"createdBy": 863