Goods-In Note POST



Refer to our documentation on URI syntax for more information on how to construct URIs.


This message enables you to create a new Goods-In Note.

Goods-In Notes can be created until all stock on the Purchase Order has been added to one or more Goods-In Notes. This allows you to part receive stock against one purchase order.

You can only create Goods-In Notes against a single Warehouse per request.

The response from this message is the ID of the newly created Goods-In Note.

Field Specifics:

  • transfer: Defines whether this Goods-In Note is a result of an External Transfer.
  • userBatchReference: Enables you to specify your own reference for this goods in note. Optional. Must be unique across all goods-in notes.


In this example we are receiving stock against Purchase Order with ID of 6.

Request URI


Request body

	"transfer": false,
	"warehouseId": 2,
	"goodsMoved": [
			"productId": 1008,
			"purchaseOrderRowId": 9,
			"quantity": 5,
			"destinationLocationId": 2,
			"productValue": {
				"currency": "GBP",
				"value": 12.0000
			"productId": 1007,
			"purchaseOrderRowId": 10,
			"quantity": 6,
			"destinationLocationId": 2,
			"productValue": {
				"currency": "GBP",
				"value": 9.0000
			"productId": 1009,
			"purchaseOrderRowId": 11,
			"quantity": 15,
			"destinationLocationId": 2,
			"productValue": {
				"currency": "GBP",
				"value": 4.0000
	"receivedOn": "2011-07-15T14:48:56.000+01:00",
	"userBatchReference": "ourWarehouRef:34354"


	"response": 13